Perimenopause ~ The period of time leading up to Menopause

Menopause ~ In medical terms women must be 12 months post last period

Have you noticed your moods changing, having periods of feeling emotionally unbalanced, or you are becoming prone to bouts of anxiety?

You may be experiencing some night sweats and even hot flushes, that is disturbing your sleep.

The symptoms can severely affect day to day activities, work, relationships, and home life.  Lifestyle changes can considerably help such as regular exercise, good nutrition, avoidance of stimulants – the usual offenders, caffeine, alcohol, sugar etc, but perhaps the cause of early menopause is stress – it causes havoc to our hormonal system, only making symptoms worse.

Symptoms can vary from person to person.

You mostly notice these symptoms during your 40's although this may happen earlier if there is a female history of going through it earlier.

Not everyone has symptoms until their 50's and some never notice symptoms.

Your menstrual cycle will start to change. Lighter or heavier, more unpredictable and sometimes none at all


There are around 35 symptoms of Perimenopause including:

  •  Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Bloating
  • Body Odour
  • Breast Pain
  • Brittle Nails
  • Burning Tongue
  • Depression
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Digestive Problems
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Gum Problems
  • Hair Loss
  • Headaches
  • Hot Sweat
  • Incontinence
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Irregular Periods
  • Irritability
  • Itchy Skin
  • Joint Pain
  • Loss of Libido
  • Memory Lapses
  • Mood Swings
  • Muscle Tension
  • Night Sweats
  • Osteoporosis
  • Panic Disorder
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Tingling Extremities
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Weight Gain


It is always worth visiting your GP. You may need tests for poor thyroid function, low iron  due to heavy periods or a lack of vitamin B12 or vitamin D.


Reflexology and how it can help

Reflexology is a gentle holistic therapy that can provide support at this time of your life.

Particularly if you are unable to use (HRT) Hormone Replacement Therapy. Or if you are looking for a more natural approach.

Reflexology works well alongside HRT and will provide relaxing, calming support. Helping to support you and giving you much needed time out.

Treatments may help:

  • Relieve stress.
  • Lift low mood.
  • Promote restful sleep.
  • Ease muscular tension.
  • Provide feelings of wellbeing.

Ideas for self-care will be provided.

* Take a look at the following research which has shown that reflexology can reduce vasomotor symptoms ie.(hot flushes/night sweats) and improve the quality of life for menopausal women.

* (E. Gozuyesil, M. Baser, Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug;24:78-85. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.05.011. Epub 2016 May)

Further support:-

NHS Menopause

Rock My Menopause


Health and Her